If your baby developed dystonia disorder from a birth injury, you may have grounds to recover medical malpractice damages.
Dystonia is a movement disorder where the affected person experiences involuntary muscle contractions that can cause repetitive movement, involuntary twisting and contorting, and abnormal postures. It can result in discomfort, lack of mobility, and difficulty working and performing daily tasks. Certain birth injuries, including oxygen deprivation and brain trauma, may lead to dystonia disorder.
If your baby developed a dystonia disorder from a birth injury, you may have grounds to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. A dystonia disorder birth injury lawyer from Newsome | Melton can help you pursue compensation.
Our team is eager to get to work for you. For a free initial case evaluation, call our office today at 888-261-5614.
Your Doctor’s Responsibility to Prevent a Birth Injury
Doctors believe that dystonia disorder stems from damage to the basal ganglia, a part of the brain involved in controlling movement. Damage to the basal ganglia can interfere with nerve communication. The muscles may not receive the proper signals from the brain telling them when to contract.
Basal ganglia damage can occur in multiple ways. The two that may occur during childbirth are oxygen deprivation and brain trauma.
How Birth Injuries Lead to Dystonia Disorder
During difficult deliveries, the baby may not get enough oxygen to the brain or may suffer head trauma at some point in the process. Either scenario can lead to a multitude of difficulties, damage to the basal ganglia being one.
Not everyone who suffers damage to the basal ganglia develops dystonia disorder. Of those who do, the symptoms can vary greatly. If your child exhibits any of the following and experienced birth complications, he or she may have dystonia:
- Foot cramping
- Involuntary neck pulling
- A dragging leg
- Uncontrollable blinking
- Speech difficulties
The Newsome | Melton team wants to speak with you about your child’s condition and whether your doctor’s negligence led to it. We will investigate, collect evidence, and fight for damages. For a free case evaluation, call us at 888-261-5614.
The Newsome | Melton Birth Injury Lawyers Build a Compelling Medical Malpractice Claim on Your Behalf
You may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim for the birth injury that led to your child’s dystonia disorder. At Newsome | Melton, our dystonia disorder birth injury lawyers gather evidence to build a compelling case that your doctor is liable for the harm your child has suffered.
A successful medical malpractice claim demonstrates four things:
- The doctor had a duty of care to you and your child;
- The doctor was negligent;
- The doctor’s negligence caused or contributed to your child’s injury; and
- Your child (and you) suffered damages because of your child’s injury.
Duty of Care
The first thing we must demonstrate is that the doctor had a duty of care to you and your child. All doctors owe patients a duty of care, and it extends to anyone in their employ, including nurses, lab technicians, and physicians’ assistants.
Failure to Follow the Standard of Care
We next must show that the defendant failed to adhere to an acceptable standard of care. We can call upon medical expert witnesses to evaluate the evidence and testify about the doctor’s actions and whether those actions fall within the acceptable standard of care.
Your Child Suffered Injury
We must link the defendant’s negligence to your child’s birth injury and, ultimately, your child’s dystonia disorder. The evidence we can use to reinforce these connections includes your child’s medical records, statements from physicians, test results, and testimony from medical experts.
Economic or Non-Economic Damages
Your case must also establish economic and non-economic damages related to your child’s dystonia disorder. We will go after the defendant for the full amount of these damages.
Begin the process today with a free birth injury case evaluation with a member of our staff: call Newsome | Melton at 888-261-5614.
Compensation for Your Child’s Dystonia Disorder Birth Injury
Our birth injury lawyers want to make sure you recover all the damages you deserve for your child’s injury. This may include:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Future costs of care
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Scarring and disfigurement
To speak with a member of our staff and begin the process of putting together a medical malpractice claim, call 888-261-5614.
Statute of Limitations
You have a limited time to act. Every state has a statute of limitations on medical malpractice lawsuits. Complicating matters is that sometimes the statute of limitations for birth injuries differ from those governing other forms of medical malpractice. Talk to a birth injury lawyer about your case and for help meeting all deadlines related to your case.