Rubin I: A shoulder dystocia management procedure, Rubin I is pressure applied above the pubis.
Rubin I: A shoulder dystocia management procedure, Rubin I is pressure applied above the pubis.
Rubin 1 Technique - Frequently Asked Questions
The exact prevalence of locked-in syndrome, called LIS, is not known. However, it is an extremely rare condition. There is less than one case out of every million people, with only a few dozen cases officially diagnosed. Those whose loved one suffers from this devastating syndrome may try to care for their family member at
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The legal standards to hold your doctor liable in a medical malpractice lawsuit are fourfold. One, your doctor must have had a duty of care to you (or your injured loved one). Two, your doctor must have failed to uphold that duty of care. Three, you or your loved one must have suffered injuries because
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What was supposed to be the happiest day of Marla Dixon’s life turned into the worst because of the alleged negligence of the on-call OB/GYN, which led to the severe brain damage of her child, Earl Jr. After a two-week trial in federal court, U.S. District Judge Robert Scola found in favor of Dixon and
Read MoreOn August 22, 2009, Shannon Trabue’s water broke and she was rushed to the Atlanta Women’s Specialists LLC, a Georgia hospital, to deliver her baby. After the successful cesarean section birth of a little girl, Trabue’s doctors found a spike in her blood pressure. Three days later, still under the care of obstetricians Stanley R.
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