The cap for non-economic damages in California medical malpractice cases is set at $250,000, and it’s been that way since the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) was first passed in 1975. The Consumer Watchdog advocacy group, along with a man whose two children died after a drugged driver crashed into them, wants to lift the cap and adjust it for inflation to $1.1 million.
Proponents of the measure say the maximum amount awardable under the current cap is insufficient to cover the “prolonged effects of doctor negligence or a botched medical procedure,” according to
In addition to adjusting the damages cap for inflation, the measure would also establish drug and alcohol testing for physicians and would require physicians to track prescriptions using a database. The prescription tracking requirements are intended to prevent individuals from “doctor shopping” in order to obtain prescription medications.
The proposed measure still requires a legal title and summary from the state attorney general before petitions to put the measure on the ballot begin circulating, the San Jose Mercury News reports. Once the petition is cleared, the group will have 150 days to gather 5 percent of the amount of total voters from the 2010 gubernatorial election in order to put the measure on the next statewide election ballot.
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A person with locked-in syndrome can see, hear, think clearly, recognize faces, and understand everything that is going on around him or her. But aside from the muscles controlling the eyes, he or she cannot move a single body part, nor can he or she speak or even breathe without assistance. Locked-in syndrome is one
Read MoreMalpractice cases are notoriously complex and difficult to litigate, so it is essential you go about it the right way. In most medical malpractice situations, there are a few things you should consider doing before calling a medical malpractice lawyer and filing suit: Learn about the statute of limitations in your state Talk to the
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