News Category: Florida

South Florida Jury Finds Doctor Negligent in 2011 Medical Malpractice Lawsuit; Awards Plaintiff $16,922,000 On November 21, 2008, the pain in Stephanie Hollingsworth’s feet and hands became so acute that she went to the emergency room at Holy Cross Hospital, located in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Hollingsworth, then 26, believed that the pain was from an
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Florida Supreme Court Rules Secret Ex Parte Interviews of Medical Malpractice Plaintiffs’ Doctors Unconstitutional On November 9, 2017, the Florida Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated decision in Weaver v. Myers, No. SC15-1538 (Nov. 9, 2017). In Weaver, the Supreme Court struck two provisions pertaining to secret, ex parte interviews with plaintiffs’ healthcare providers in connection
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Last week, Florida’s House of Representatives approved a business-backed bill that will shift the state’s test for the admissibility of expert witness testimony from the Frye standard to the Daubert standard. Approximately 28 other states and the federal courts use this tougher standard, which critics say would pose a challenge for patients who pursue medical
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A new medical malpractice law in Florida is drawing criticism from many groups who allege the new law violates the privacy rights established in the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Bloomberg Business Week reports. On July 1, the day Senate Bill 1792 went into effect, five trial attorneys filed lawsuits against healthcare providers.
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