News Category: Surgical Malpractice
The prospect of surgery can be stressful, but what can be even more distressing is being told a mistake was made during the surgery. A study released on WebMD indicated that, “More than 4,000 preventable mistakes occur in surgery every year at a cost of more than $1.3 billion in medical malpractice payouts.”
Some of these errors include leaving a sponge or other object inside a patient, performing the incorrect surgical procedure, operating on the wrong body part or on the wrong patient. The detrimental effects of surgical malpractice vary from non-permanent injury in 59% of the occurrences to death in 6.6 percent of the cases. Additionally, permanent 33 percent of the cases result in a permanent condition.

A 38-year old husband and father of two has filed a lawsuit against a Jacksonville area health facility, primary care physician, and plastic surgeon after his 39-year old wife passed away after suffering a blood clot in her lung. According to the Florida Times-Union, David Boon believes that his wife died as the result of
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On September 12, 2008, Arvia Johnson filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against Dr. H. Jeffrey Schwartz in Maryland, contending that the physician had committed negligence in an outpatient colonoscopy surgery. After a 5-day trial, the jury ruled in Johnson’s favor and he was awarded a settlement of $23,791.19 for his medical costs, as well as
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One of the largest medical malpractice cases in Maryland’s history was settled earlier this month for a confidential amount. Nearly 250 patients have settled their civil lawsuits against Dr. Mark Midei and Catholic Health Initiatives, the company who owned St. Joseph’s, accusing the cardiologist of implanting unnecessary heart stents in them. According to The Baltimore
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A four-day medical malpractice trial in Pennsylvania concluded with the jury awarding a man from Hatsboro, Pennsylvania $4 million. The man had brought the case against his physician when he received nerve damage from a procedure performed in his physician’s office. The decision is unique in that it is the first medical malpractice verdict in
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With thousands of lawsuits still cuing up for the foreseeable future, makers of mesh vaginal implants have recently suffered serious setbacks in the courtroom. Boston Scientific was ordered to pay a Texas woman more than $70 million after a device left her with permanent damages. The same week, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay
Read MoreIf you or a loved one becomes harmed or killed in a surgical mishap, you may want the legal assistance of a reputable attorney. Our skilled medical malpractice attorneys are here to provide you with reliable information to help guide you through this sometimes difficult process. Review our materials and contact us today.