Anasarca Definition: A condition where the skin becomes swollen due to excess fluid in the skin’s tissues.
Anasarca: A condition where the skin becomes swollen due to excess fluid in the skin’s tissues. There are several causes of anasarca, but it is most commonly a result of kidney disease, liver failure, congestive heart failure, malnutrition, or hookworm infestation.
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Anasarca - Frequently Asked Questions

A heart attack misdiagnosis can cause brain injury. When the heart stops pumping or does not pump as effectively, it is unable to supply oxygen-rich blood to all the body’s vital organs. This lack of blood affects the brain, where blood is necessary for normal processing and functioning. When the decrease in blood supply is
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The son of an Alabama woman who passed away in 2005 from a brain hemorrhage was recently awarded a $5 million judgment after a jury declared that the doctor that had been treating his mother was guilty of negligence. Dr. Frank Gillis had been treating Florine Bryant for atrial fibrillation, which is the most common
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