If your doctor misdiagnosed your bile duct cancer and you suffered harm, you could qualify for damages.
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If you went to your doctor for jaundice, itchy skin, or other symptoms, but your doctor diagnosed you with something else or did not make a diagnosis at all until your bile duct cancer spread to a later, less-treatable stage, you might have a medical malpractice case. In many cases, a cancer misdiagnosis is considered medical malpractice. A bile duct cancer misdiagnosis lawyer can help you determine if your case qualifies for damages.
At Medical Malpractice Help, we have helped victims across America fight for the compensation they deserve. If you need help deciding what to do after a doctor misdiagnosed your condition , call us today at 888-261-5614. We offer free case evaluations, so you can learn more about your options and get help deciding on your next steps.
When Misdiagnosis of Bile Duct Cancer is Medical Malpractice
Your doctor might have committed malpractice if they did not run diagnostic tests or send you to a specialist for a consultation when you reported possible symptoms of bile duct cancer or some other type of malignancy.
We must prove these four factors to win your medical malpractice case.
Your Doctor Had a Duty of Care
Every physician must provide the same level of care to all of their patients. This means they are obligated to offer appropriate diagnoses and treatment when possible. We can establish that this duty of care existed by proving that you had a doctor-patient relationship with your physician. We can use bills, receipts, and other documents to show this relationship.
They Breached That Duty
Your physician breached their duty of care if they failed to take the actions that a typical medical professional with the same level of training and education would have taken under similar circumstances. This failure to meet the standard of care is negligence.
Their Negligence Caused You Additional Harm
If the misdiagnosis caused you to suffer a more adverse prognosis or other harm, it could constitute malpractice.
You Suffered Damages Because of Your Cancer Misdiagnosis
You can be compensated for a misdiagnosis of cancer . However, before we can request compensation, we must collect evidence of your damages.
We can use bills, receipts, expert testimony, and other documentation to prove the losses and expenses you have faced because of your doctor’s misdiagnosis. While the precise damages you could recover depend on the specifics of your case, many malpractice victims win compensation for:
- Medical bills;
- Lost wages from work missed during their recuperation;
- Any long-term reduced earning capacity;
- Permanent scarring or disfigurement;
- Pain and suffering;
- Emotional distress;
- Loss of companionship of a spouse or family member;
- Wrongful death, if a loved one died from the malpractice;
- Other related costs or losses.
Symptoms of Bile Duct Cancer
Unfortunately, bile duct cancer usually does not create symptoms in the early, more treatable stage. However, if you report any of the common symptoms of bile duct cancer, your doctor should run tests or send you to a specialist. These signs include:
- Jaundice, which is when your skin and eyes take on a yellowish tint;
- Itchy skin, which happens when the backed-up bilirubin settles in the skin;
- Unusual bowel movements;
- Abnormal urine color;
- Less common symptoms, like fever, unintended weight loss from lack of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Consequences of a Misdiagnosis of Bile Duct Cancer
If a doctor discovers your bile duct cancer before it has spread to other areas of your body and you start treatment right away, you might not suffer any significant adverse impacts of a delayed diagnosis. All stages of bile duct cancer, however, carry a grim prognosis, so it is critical that you get the earliest possible detection and treatment.
According to the American Cancer Society, once bile duct cancer spreads to nearby places, the odds of survival go down to 24 percent. Survival rates plummet to 2 percent if the malignancy migrates to distant locations.
A correct diagnosis and prompt medical treatment can make a life-or-death difference for patients.
How Delayed Diagnosis Impacts Treatments
Typically, you have several options to treat bile duct cancer. These options include:
- Surgery;
- Radiation therapy;
- Chemotherapy;
- Palliative therapy.
However, a late diagnosis can impact treatments in two ways:
- Your doctor might not be able to offer you specific treatment options if they are only available at earlier stages of the disease;
- Your treatment options might be more invasive and painful and cause more side effects.
Delayed cancer treatment can have serious impacts on your life. You might have to undergo costlier treatment, which could force you to spend more time away from work recuperating. Additional surgeries or chemotherapy can also cause more significant pain and suffering, as well as diminish your quality of life. You deserve compensation for those losses.
Get Help Today From a Medical Malpractice Lawyer.
The legal team at Medical Malpractice Help can handle your medical malpractice claim for you, so you can focus on getting treatment for your bile duct cancer.
If you suspect that your doctor misdiagnosed or failed to diagnose your bile duct cancer within a reasonable time after you reported your symptoms. We will evaluate your case to determine if you are eligible compensation. The consultation is free.